Go catch thieves - Reisverslag uit Suleja, Nigeria van Thessa - WaarBenJij.nu Go catch thieves - Reisverslag uit Suleja, Nigeria van Thessa - WaarBenJij.nu

Go catch thieves

Door: Thessa

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Thessa

04 September 2008 | Nigeria, Suleja

One of the main comments “the white” get (apart from being power-hungry descendants of Sodom & Gomorra of course!) is that they are individualists & selfish; we put our elders in retirement homes, don’t even know the name of our neighbours, and have discarded God in the search for personal wealth and glory.
Now, I believe all that, but isn’t that the same everywhere? Okay, in Africa the elders are cared for by their families and you are often only too aware of your neighbour’s name. But the fastest-growing Pentecostal churches are those that promise wealth to their members. And aren’t individualism and selfishness some of the most essential ingredients for corruption?
Then again, perhaps does corruption only exist because the fight against it is not well-implemented… Arriving at my office this morning I saw several policemen practicing stunts on their motorcycles. It was quite a sight, but surely they would have better things to do?

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Verslag uit: Nigeria, Suleja

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